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Subsidised Staff Bay Flexi Bus Tickets

Subsidised Staff Bay Flexi Bus Tickets


Subsidised Stagecoach Bay Flexi bus tickets. These are digital day tickets used through the Stagecoach mobile app for University work commuting purposes and for eligible staff only. Eligibility varies depending upon staff contract type (see below).

All users require the Stagecoach Bus App on your smart phone device with your Stagecoach App account registered to your LU email address. Your Bay Flexi order will be sent to your Stagecoach Bus App account within 5 working days of your order being submitted. Full details, including terms and conditions from January 2024, are available on the Staff Bus Travel webpage -https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/sustainability/action/travel/bus-travel/staff-bus-travel/

Information on the Stagecoach Bus App can be found here - https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and offers/national/stagecoachbusapp 

For queries please contact staffbayflexi@lancaster.ac.uk.


Information for salaried staff on a substantive contract

Bay Flexi ticket bundles of 10, 20, 30 and 50 days of subsidised staff bus commuting are available to be used in the Stagecoach Bus App.


Important information for casual staff

Bay Flexi eligibility for casual / PGR teaching staff is restricted to the following only:

·       Casual / PGA teaching staff who are contracted to work for the University between 1 and 189 hours per annum (<0.1 FTE) are eligible to purchase 1 x Bay Flexi 10 ticket per academic year (1 Oct – 30 Sept).


·       Casual / PGA teaching staff who are contracted to work for the University 190 hours or more per annum (>0.1 FTE) are eligible to purchase 1 x Bay Flexi 20, OR up to 2 x Bay Flexi 10 tickets per academic year (1 Oct – 30 Sept).


The Bay Flexi 30 and 50 tickets are not available to casual / PGA teaching staff. Staff should check their annual contracted hours over either 30 or 52 weeks to determine whether they are eligible to purchase a Bay Flexi 10 or a Bay Flexi 20 before submitting an order. All orders are verified to ensure eligibility. Orders that are do not meet the eligibility criteria cannot be processed. Please do not over-purchase and ensure that you are eligible before you submit your order as payment will still be taken.

 Campus residents, Honorary / visiting staff, External Examiners, Consultants, ERS staff and zero-hour staff are not eligible so these should not submit an order as payment will still be taken.


Bay Flexi 10 - Important - Restrictions apply for staff on casual contracts – see above

Bay Flexi 20 - Important - Restrictions apply for staff on casual contracts – see above.

Bay Flexi 30 - Important - Not available to staff on a casual contract.

Bay Flexi 50 - Important - Not available to staff on a casual contract.


Bay Flexi 10 - 10 days of subsidised bus commuting worth £40.00


Bay Flexi 50 - 50 days of subsidised bus commuting worth £200


Bay Flexi 30 - 30 days of subsidised bus commuting worth £120


Bay Flexi 20 - 20 days of subsidised bus commuting worth £80.00


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