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52nd Annual Archaeology Forum, Saturday 1 March 2025 at Lancaster University Library Events Space

52nd Annual Archaeology Forum,  Saturday 1 March 2025 at Lancaster University Library Events Space


A full-day Study Event looking at developments in the field of archaeology in the North West over the past year. This event features live presentations and an opportunity to ask questions of the speakers in a live Q&A session at the end of the day. It will be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person.  Details of how to access the live stream will be provided to those who register.

Speakers include Dr Richard Bradley (Reading University) on re-excavations at the site known as King Arthur's Seat; Dr Nicholas Overton (Oxford Archaeology) on the contribution of archaeology to biodiversity and re-wilding and Dr Helen Evans (Oxford Archaeology) on current investigations along the A66; Prof David Breeze (independent scholar) will look at 19th century figure Elizabeth Hodgson and her archaeological work in the North West and we'll hear about the last phase of excavations at Birdoswald, the Roman fort on Hadrian's Wall. Sessions will be chaired by Dr Eleri Cousins (Assistant Professor in Roman Archaeology, University of Durham) and the ticket price includes coffee/tea/biscuit breaks in both the morning and afternoon.

Live Stream - 52nd Annual Archaeology Forum


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